Top-Notch Small Business Website: The Do's and Don'ts

Karol Andruszków
Co-founder and CEO of Concept21
Mockup with small shop in purple color

In today's digital age, having a website is a must-have for any small business. It's the ultimate tool to attract potential customers, increase brand awareness, and showcase your products and services in the best possible light. But keep in mind that web design for small businesses is not the same as designing for larger corporations. So, here are some crucial do's and don'ts to keep in mind when designing a website for your small business.

Do's of Small Business Web Design

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of creating an unforgettable experience for your potential customers. And your website is the perfect opportunity to make a lasting impression. After all, it's often the first point of contact between your brand and your audience. To help you create an engaging website that drives traffic, increases engagement, and boosts conversions, I've compiled some do's of small business web design.

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1. Keep it Simple, Keep it Effective

Don't overcomplicate your website with too many features and confusing design elements. Your main goal is to provide visitors with the information they need in a quick and efficient manner. A well-organized website with easy-to-find information, such as the date, time, location, speakers, and registration details for an upcoming networking event, will keep your visitors engaged. Keep unnecessary details at bay, and focus on practicality and user-friendliness.

For instance, imagine you're organizing a small business networking event. The website should have an uncluttered design with easy-to-find information, such as date, time, location, speakers, and registration. Avoid stuffing it with unnecessary details, and make it straightforward and practical.

2. Make it Mobile-Friendly

Did you know that over 50% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices? With such a significant amount of users browsing on their smartphones and tablets, it's crucial to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. A mobile-friendly website adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions, making it easy to navigate on any device.

Think about it this way: imagine you run a bakery, and someone searches for "cupcakes near me" on their phone. If your website is not mobile-friendly, it may not even show up in the search results, or the user may struggle to find the information they need. A mobile-responsive design ensures that your website looks great and functions well, no matter what device your visitors are using.

3. Use High-Quality Images and Videos

Photo of a road sign street with a pharmacy sign and a poster on a drug building

Visuals are an essential part of any website. They grab attention, convey emotions, and help users understand your brand and offerings better. Using high-quality images and videos can take your website to the next level.

For example, if you own a restaurant, showcase pictures of your delicious dishes in high resolution. You could even add a short video that shows how your signature dish is prepared. This will not only make your website more engaging but also help potential customers get a taste of what they can expect.

4. Optimize for SEO

Additionally, optimizing your website for SEO is crucial in today's digital age. By incorporating keywords related to your business throughout your website, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more potential customers to your website. But it's not just about using keywords; other SEO elements such as meta descriptions, title tags, and alt tags must also be included to ensure that your website is fully optimized for search engines.

For example, if you're a wedding planner, use terms like "wedding planner," "wedding coordinator," and "bridal packages" in your website content. But don't stop there - add meta descriptions, title tags, and alt tags to help search engines better understand your website. By optimizing for SEO, you'll increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attracting more potential customers to your site.

5. Speed up Your Site for a Seamless Experience

For instance, if you're a photographer, optimize your images by compressing them and reducing their size without compromising quality. By doing so, you'll not only speed up your website but also showcase your photography skills in a more visually pleasing manner.

6. Encourage Action with Clear Calls-to-Action

One important aspect of your website is to encourage visitors to take action, whether it be filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase.


To accomplish this, you need to incorporate clear calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your website. CTAs serve as a guide for visitors, leading them towards taking the desired action. Without prominent and visually appealing CTAs, visitors may leave without taking any action, resulting in missed opportunities for conversion.

If you want your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, place a CTA button in a prominent location on your website's homepage. You could also include CTAs on product pages, encouraging visitors to make a purchase or request a quote.

If you want your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, place a CTA button in a prominent location on your website's homepage. You could also include CTAs on product pages, encouraging visitors to make a purchase or request a quote.


Remember, CTAs must be strategically placed and designed to maximize engagement. Make sure that they stand out and grab visitors' attention, but don't overdo it, as too many CTAs can be overwhelming.

Don'ts of Small Business Web Design

I have seen many small business websites that make the same mistakes over and over again. And while some of these mistakes may seem minor, they can have a significant impact on your website's success. That's why I want to highlight the most critical "don'ts" of small business web design. Let’s check them!

1. Don't Overwhelm Visitors

When it comes to website design, simplicity is key. Remember, the first impression is the last. Too much information, images, or videos can overwhelm visitors and make them leave your website. Instead, focus on the most important aspects of your business and make them easy to find. Keep your design simple, clean, and professional.

For example, if you're organizing a small event, highlight the headliners, location, and dates prominently on the homepage. This way, visitors can quickly and efficiently get all the information they need.

2. Don't Use Outdated Technology

For example, if you're organizing a business conference, make sure to integrate the latest technology, such as live streaming or virtual conferencing, into your website. This will not only help you reach a wider audience but also establish your business as forward-thinking and innovative.

3. Don't Ignore Accessibility

Web accessibility means making your website usable for everyone, including people with disabilities. Ignoring accessibility not only excludes potential customers, but it's also against the law in many countries. Some tips to improve accessibility include using clear, easy-to-read fonts, providing alt text for images, and ensuring that your website is compatible with assistive technologies like screen readers.

For instance, if you sell clothing, make sure your website's color contrast is sufficient for people with visual impairments. Use descriptive alt text for product images so that screen readers can describe the product to users who are blind.

4. Don't Forget About Security

Now, let's talk about security. Security is a crucial aspect of web design, and it should never be an afterthought. With the increase of cyber attacks, you need to ensure that your website is secure from potential hackers. Make sure that you are using secure hosting services and encrypting any sensitive data to prevent unauthorized access. This will protect both your customers' data and your business's reputation.

Imagine that you own a small business that organizes events. You want to ensure that any personal information that your customers provide is safe and secure. By using secure hosting services and encrypting sensitive data, you'll earn your customers' trust and safeguard your business from potential cyber threats. 

5. Don't Neglect Mobile Optimization

Nowadays, more people access the internet on their mobile devices than ever before. This means that having a mobile-friendly website is critical to the success of your small business.


Just picture this: a potential customer is searching for a service or product on their phone, and they stumble upon your website. But wait, the text is too small, and the buttons are too close together! Frustrated, they quickly exit your website and go to your competitor's mobile-friendly website instead.


To prevent this from happening, ensure that your website is responsive and looks great on any device. This means that your website should adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, allowing your visitors to navigate and find what they're looking for easily.

If you run a local gym, optimizing your website for mobile devices means ensuring that your pages load quickly and are easy to navigate. Potential customers should be able to quickly find information about your services, location, and hours of operation.

5. Don't Neglect Mobile Optimization

When it comes to web design, less is often more. Using too many fonts or colors can make your website look cluttered and unprofessional. Stick to a few complementary colors and one or two easy-to-read fonts for your website's text. This will not only improve the overall design aesthetic but also make your website easier to navigate and read.

For instance, imagine that you run a small business selling handmade products. You want your website to stand out and showcase your unique products effectively. However, using too many colors and fonts can make your website look busy and detract from your products' appeal. By using a few complementary colors and easy-to-read fonts, you'll create a visually pleasing website that highlights your products' features.

Top-notch small business website - summary

In conclusion, designing a website for your small business doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these do's and don'ts, you can create a website that will not only look great but also help you achieve your business goals. 


Remember to focus on simplicity, mobile-friendliness, quality content, SEO optimization, user-friendliness, accessibility, the latest technology, and security. And if you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact me! I will help you bring your vision to life. Your website can be the difference between success and failure online, so make it count!

Web design for a small business website - FAQ

Karol Andruszków
Co-founder and CEO of Concept21

Karol is a serial entrepreneur, e-commerce speaker, and founder of 3 startups. He advised hundreds of companies and was responsible for projects worth over EUR 50 million for financial institutions in Europe.


He earned two master's degrees - Computer Science and Marketing Management - from Poland and Portugal. He has over ten years of experience in Silicon Valley, Poland, Portugal, USA, and UK, helping startups, financial institutions, and SMEs improve their functioning through digitization.